Contact Information

Steam community URL:Lord|OMFG
Time zone:GMT+1
Retard: no
Game Information

In-game name(s):Lord|OMg
Skills (e.g.: Creative, map maker...): Sure Smile 
Time in hours spent on our servers:125
What is your username on teamspeak?:LODL095 coming soon 
Are you active on our deathrun server?: Yeah 
If yes, what is your level?:60
What games do you play?:TF2 Garry's Mod Cod4 cod mw2 

Personal Information

Why do you want to join?:because if I play a lot on a server I want to be a part of the clans
What can you contribute by joining?:  because if I play a lot on a server I want to be a part of the clans
Have you ever been a part of a clan before, if so, what clans?: i Will be a clan of sync deathrun
Additional Info: Nothing